Top Uses of Upgrading To a Dedicated Hosting Server

8 Best Benefits Of Dedicated Server

Several web hosting services are available in the market, and a dedicated hosting server is one of the most preferred services. If you plan to upgrade to a dedicated server, consider some crucial factors, such as your usage and cost. Moreover, understanding the benefits of upgrading to a dedicated server and its uses is paramount. 

This article will delve into the benefits and uses of upgrading to a dedicated hosting server.

Uses For Upgrading To a Dedicated Hosting Server

Several common dedicated server use cases exist. Let’s examine some dedicated server uses

Website Hosting

The top use case of a dedicated server is hosting a website. With dedicated servers, your audience can reach your website more quickly. 

With a dedicated server, you benefit from dedicated hosting resources that are not shared by other users. 

In comparison to other hosting plans like VPS hosting and shared hosting, dedicated server hosting offers better stability and performance for your website.

VPN (Virtual Private Network)

VPNs, or Virtual Private Networks, are used to keep information only available on specific devices and secure them. VPN only allows specific computers to connect to the server and each other. This means that data can only be accessed through these particular computers. This prevents hacking and offers increased security. 

Data Syncing

You can store files on a dedicated server, allowing access to all the devices connected to the server. As only specific devices are connected to the dedicated server, the files are stored securely. In simple terms, data syncing allows you to store data in a secure location for future use.    

Hosting Game Servers 

Multiplayer games can be hosted on a dedicated server. These servers offer the highest uptime, ensuring you can enjoy your gaming experience without interruptions. Additionally, hosting games on a dedicated server allows players worldwide to participate. 


With a dedicated server, you can send Internet relay chat messages or IRC messages to any computer connected to that server. A dedicated server ensures the messages are encrypted and secluded from the public. You can also control how networked devices like emails or other communication forms send and receive messages. 

Benefits Of Upgrading To Dedicated Hosting

Below are some of the ​​best dedicated server hosting benefits. 

Increased Performance 

The resources on a dedicated server are not shared with other users or networks,  resulting in increased server performance. Because of the abundance of resources, your hosting environment will offer better stability and reliability. A dedicated server allows large amounts of data to be stored and hosts high-traffic websites while maintaining the highest uptime. 

Root Access

Having a dedicated server means that you get complete control and root access. Root access allows you to access any resources and customise your server settings to fit your specific needs. You can also install software, deploy tools, and implement security features of your preference. 


Dedicated servers are highly scalable. With a dedicated server, you can quickly and easily scale up your hosting resources to support your growing website. In case of a surge in your website traffic, you can quickly deploy more resources to handle the increasing demand while maintaining server performance.

To Wrap It Up 

You can use a dedicated server for many different reasons, such as communication services, game server hosting, website hosting, virtual private networks, and data syncing. You must consider all the factors mentioned in this article when deciding if upgrading to dedicated server hosting is the right move for you. 

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Significance of utilising email for both personal and professional purposes  

Elevate Your Business Image: The Importance of a Professional Email Address  - BSharp Tech

What is the one and only technique to guarantee that someone will read the letter that you give them? This is a fast quiz to ascertain the answer to this question. It is always possible that a letter will be misplaced, that a phone call will vanish into thin air, or that the person who is supposed to receive your message will be hiding under the sofa when you knock on their door. These are all possibilities that are constantly there.  

By using email, the problem may be solved.  

In spite of the fact that there is a potential that an email may be transferred to the spam folder, you can rest confident that it will still be sent to the person who was in charge of receiving it; it will simply be located in a different area than the inbox. You do not have any influence or control over something, regardless of the circumstances. With the help of this post, let us make an effort to comprehend the reasons why it is essential to have a distinct web hosting and business email hosting service for a corporation.   

What exactly is email, and why is it so vital?   

It is true that despite the growth of platforms for instant messaging and social networking, email remains an efficient method of connecting with others. Email, which is essentially electronic mail, is a more direct means of contact than instant messaging services, despite the fact that instant messaging services are relatively akin to instant messaging. That is true for each and every person.   

In light of the data, this conclusion is supported. It is estimated that there are around 4 billion individuals utilising email all over the world, according to the most recent figures. As a rough estimate, this is nearly equivalent to the total number of users on WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, and Snapchat combined. In light of these numbers, it is not difficult to appreciate the rationale behind a hosting company’s decision to offer email services in addition to the principal services that it offers.  

In the end, the responsibility for ensuring that emails are delivered and delivered successfully lies with the host organisation. Because these elements make use of the transmitting domain in addition to the IP address for the purposes of verification and inspection, they are ideal for a web host because they satisfy both of these requirements. Considering the fact that a web professional is the only person who is more competent to guarantee that? It is ensured that the information is sent to its recipients in a timely and accurate way. It is likely that there are other options that are more and more appealing.  

Reasons why hosting and email for businesses should be kept separate  

There are a number of technical reasons, in addition to the numerous personal factors that were discussed above, that you should keep your email hosting separate from your website hosting.  

To begin, the effective utilisation of resources is a key advantage since it guarantees that your bandwidth and storage quotas will not be spent in a short amount of time. Rather than diverting some of those resources to use for your email accounts, you also have the choice of committing those resources to the components of hosting your website. This is an alternative to withdrawing some of those resources.  

It also functions appropriately when applied in the reverse way. Your email hosting makes use of its own particular set of dedicated resources, which means that it is not impacted by the utilisation of any other service. When it comes to the majority of situations, synchronising these accounts is as straightforward as synchronising accounts with a common provider.  

As a consequence of this, it has a cascade effect on the dependability of both platforms: because each service is responsible for one job, they are able to concentrate their time and attention to ensuring that both platforms continue to be rock-solid. Having said that, it is conceivable that one of the email service providers or website hosts that you use is not as excellent as the other. When one takes into account financial constraints, this is not surprising at all.  

Within the context of this scenario, it is not out of the question that you would decide to collaborate with a combination provider. On the other hand, if something goes wrong with either the email or the hosting, it will almost always bring down the other service as well. This is perhaps the single most important reason why this should be avoided at all costs, since it has the potential to be a disaster for any business that relies on online communication.  

When it comes to the management of a company, one of the benefits of separating web hosting and email hosting is the decrease in the amount of time that is wasted. Switching services won’t involve much work on your part, so if you decide that one of your services isn’t for you or that you want to move to a better service, it is simple to do so without interrupting the other component of your business. This is because switching services won’t require you to make a significant amount of effort.  

In the event that you are involved with a combo provider in more than one method, it will be more challenging for you to break free of such chains. Because of this, it is in your best advantage to make use of several service providers for both your hosting and your email needs.  

Final Thoughts  

The author of this essay hopes that you have comprehended the content. In the event that you have any questions or concerns, kindly write them down in the comments box below and share them with us.   

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Things To Lookout For When Purchasing a Dedicated Server

What Is a Dedicated Server, And When Do You Need One?

In the world of web and digital presence, we can see the increasing popularity of dedicated servers. Every business owner has to think about having a digital presence both through social media as well as their website.

Since web hosting services cater to large databases and resource-intensive websites, it is common for big businesses to choose dedicated hosting. Since dedicated server hosting provides exclusive resources to these business websites, it offers them enormous benefits. Let us understand what dedicated server hosting is.

Dedicated Server Hosting

When a web hosting service provider allocates a physical server for a single website, it is called dedicated hosting. A dedicated server is a physical server that provides all the resources and hardware for your website. Dedicated hosting provides complete control over the resources, performance and security of the website to the owner. 

Certain factors must be taken into consideration if you wish to find the best web hosting service for a dedicated server. In this blog, we will discuss some essential factors that you should consider when you buy a dedicated server

Factors To Consider Before Purchasing A Dedicated Server

  • Your Requirements

Since it is a website for your business, it is important to understand the requirements that a specific type of business website would need. Understand the basic nuances of your website, and you will find the answers to many questions. 

Ask yourself questions like what kind of applications you need, the kind of website you will host, the expected traffic, the amount of data you will store, what will be the utilisation of resources, the level of optimal performance, expected growth, etc. If a service provider is offering you all your requirements, you should consider purchasing that dedicated server hosting package, provider it ticks all the boxes.

  • Bandwidth Provision

Bandwidth is the capacity of your network to transfer data between your server and the Internet at any given time. The bandwidth of your network has to be really good to transfer important and large amounts of data to the user, server and Internet. When you buy dedicated server hosting, ensure that your service provider offers a good bandwidth in your web hosting package.

  • Reliability and Uptime

The web hosting service provider should offer a great security system for your website along with some really good features. On average, a good dedicated server provides 99.99% of uptime. Uptime is an extremely important factor for a website as it measures the time your service (website) is online and available.

  • Tech Support

Having good tech support from your service provider is important. Your providers should be able to resolve the issue in time and understand everything about web hosting. Having expert support will help resolve your issues in time! 

  • Quality of Network

The quality of the network should be top-notch since it adds to the overall performance of your website. If the physical server is closer to the internet user, the quality of the network is good. Be aware of the geography of the physical server the company is providing you. 

Wrapping It Up

Why is it important to select the best dedicated server provider available in the market? Because it improves your overall performance. If you prioritise the quality of the services, it will benefit you in the long run.

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Managed vs. Unmanaged Dedicated Hosting

Dedicated Hosting Servers are known for their speed, security, and reliability. In India’s web hosting industry, Dedicated Hosting is widespread, and it comes in two main types: managed and unmanaged.

Managed Dedicated Hosting Server is more convenient as experts handle server management, while Unmanaged Dedicated Hosting gives users full control over server configuration. Understanding these differences will help you choose the best hosting solution for your website’s needs and goals.

When opting for Dedicated Hosting, make sure to check reputable Web Hosting companies in India, known for their top-notch services in the industry.

Read to know more!

What is Managed Dedicated Hosting?

Managed Dedicated Server Hosting is a Web Hosting where the hosting provider takes care of all aspects of server management on behalf of the customer, including server setup, configuration, security, maintenance, updates, and troubleshooting.

  • Pros of Managed Dedicated Hosting

  1. The hosting provider handles all server management tasks, saving time and effort for the customer.
  2. Customers have access to a team of experienced professionals who can provide technical assistance and resolve issues promptly.
  3. The hosting company ensures the server is well-protected and regularly updated with security patches, reducing the risk of security breaches.
  • Cons of Managed Dedicated Hosting

  1. Managed Hosting costs more than unmanaged hosting, as customers pay for the added support and management services.
  2. Customers have less direct control over server configurations and customisations, as the hosting provider handles these tasks.
  3. Relying on the hosting company for technical aspects means depending on their expertise and response times for issue resolution.

What is Unmanaged Dedicated Hosting?

Unmanaged dedicated hosting is a type of web hosting where the customer has complete control over the server’s management and configuration. The hosting provider provides the physical server and network connectivity, but the customer is responsible for setting up, configuring, securing, and maintaining the server.

  • Pros of Unmanaged Dedicated Hosting

  1. You can customise server settings and software according to their needs and preferences.
  2. Unmanaged Hosting is generally more affordable than managed hosting since customers are not paying for additional management services.
  3. Users with technical expertise can implement advanced configurations and optimisations to maximise server performance.
  • Cons of Unmanaged Dedicated Hosting

  1. Customers need to understand server administration and management well, which can be challenging for those without technical skills.
  2. Server management demands time and effort, especially during setup, updates, and troubleshooting.
  3. The server could be vulnerable to security threats and breaches if not properly managed.

Key Differences Between Managed vs. Unmanaged Dedicated Server Hosting

Aspect Managed Dedicated Hosting Unmanaged Dedicated Hosting
Server Management Entirely handled by the provider Customer’s responsibility
Control and Customisation Limited control Full control
Technical Expertise Not required Advanced technical knowledge required
Support Expert support available Limited or no professional support
Security Provider ensures security Customer’s responsibility for security
Cost Higher cost More cost-effective option
Time Commitment Less time required More time-consuming


The choice between managed and unmanaged Dedicated Servers depends on your level of control, expertise, and resources. Managed hosting suits those who prioritise convenience, while unmanaged hosting empowers technically savvy users to customise their servers.

Therefore, when deciding to opt for Dedicated Servers in India, consider your website’s needs, technical proficiency, and budget. Both options offer unique advantages, so choose based on what aligns best with your goals for website success.

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Managed vs. Unmanaged Dedicated Hosting

Dedicated Hosting Servers are known for their speed, security, and reliability. In India’s web hosting industry, Dedicated Hosting is widespread, and it comes in two main types: managed and unmanaged.

Managed Dedicated Hosting Server is more convenient as experts handle server management, while Unmanaged Dedicated Hosting gives users full control over server configuration. Understanding these differences will help you choose the best hosting solution for your website’s needs and goals.

When opting for Dedicated Hosting, make sure to check reputable Web Hosting companies in India, known for their top-notch services in the industry.

Read to know more!

What is Managed Dedicated Hosting?

Managed Dedicated Server Hosting is a Web Hosting where the hosting provider takes care of all aspects of server management on behalf of the customer, including server setup, configuration, security, maintenance, updates, and troubleshooting.

  • Pros of Managed Dedicated Hosting

  1. The hosting provider handles all server management tasks, saving time and effort for the customer.
  2. Customers have access to a team of experienced professionals who can provide technical assistance and resolve issues promptly.
  3. The hosting company ensures the server is well-protected and regularly updated with security patches, reducing the risk of security breaches.
  • Cons of Managed Dedicated Hosting

  1. Managed Hosting costs more than unmanaged hosting, as customers pay for the added support and management services.
  2. Customers have less direct control over server configurations and customisations, as the hosting provider handles these tasks.
  3. Relying on the hosting company for technical aspects means depending on their expertise and response times for issue resolution.

What is Unmanaged Dedicated Hosting?

Unmanaged dedicated hosting is a type of web hosting where the customer has complete control over the server’s management and configuration. The hosting provider provides the physical server and network connectivity, but the customer is responsible for setting up, configuring, securing, and maintaining the server.

  • Pros of Unmanaged Dedicated Hosting

  1. You can customise server settings and software according to their needs and preferences.
  2. Unmanaged Hosting is generally more affordable than managed hosting since customers are not paying for additional management services.
  3. Users with technical expertise can implement advanced configurations and optimisations to maximise server performance.
  • Cons of Unmanaged Dedicated Hosting

  1. Customers need to understand server administration and management well, which can be challenging for those without technical skills.
  2. Server management demands time and effort, especially during setup, updates, and troubleshooting.
  3. The server could be vulnerable to security threats and breaches if not properly managed.

Key Differences Between Managed vs. Unmanaged Dedicated Server Hosting

Aspect Managed Dedicated Hosting Unmanaged Dedicated Hosting
Server Management Entirely handled by the provider Customer’s responsibility
Control and Customisation Limited control Full control
Technical Expertise Not required Advanced technical knowledge required
Support Expert support available Limited or no professional support
Security Provider ensures security Customer’s responsibility for security
Cost Higher cost More cost-effective option
Time Commitment Less time required More time-consuming


The choice between managed and unmanaged Dedicated Servers depends on your level of control, expertise, and resources. Managed hosting suits those who prioritise convenience, while unmanaged hosting empowers technically savvy users to customise their servers.

Therefore, when deciding to opt for Dedicated Servers in India, consider your website’s needs, technical proficiency, and budget. Both options offer unique advantages, so choose based on what aligns best with your goals for website success.

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How Does VPS Hosting Work?

VPS Hosting is one of the popular and viable options in the world of Domain and Hosting, which removes the limitations of Shared Hosting and gives the benefits of Dedicated Hosting to some extent. 

And when it comes to getting flexibility, control, and customization options, Windows and Linux VPS Hosting prove themselves the ideal choice for businesses. 

However, you may wonder how this NZ VPS works, and in this article, we will learn just that. Keep reading to know what Virtual Server Hosting is and how it works.

What Is VPS Hosting?

VPS Hosting is a web hosting service that uses virtualization technology to create an isolated environment that allows multiple users to have their own dedicated resources such as  CPU, RAM, and storage. 

With the Windows and Linux VPS Hosting configuration, users can modify their server settings, install custom applications, and have more control over their VPS server environment.

Step-By-Step Breakdown of How VPS Hosting Works

  • Physical Server

A VPS Hosting Windows and Linux Servers are powerful physical servers divided into multiple compartments. 

However, each VPS has its allocated resources by using a hypervisor, a software layer that creates and runs the virtual machine.

  • Virtualization

The hypervisor creates virtual machines (VMs) or containers within the physical server and each VM/container acts as an isolated environment capable of running its own operating system and applications.

  • Resource Allocation 

Resources such as CPU, RAM, disk space, and bandwidth are divided among the VPS instances. And it is ensured by the hypervisor that each VPS user will get their isolated dedicated resources providing them with optimal performance without entertaining any interruption from others.

  • Operating System

Each VPS runs its own Windows or Linux operating system, which can be tailored according to the needs of the user. 

It enables the user to install their custom software and configure the server and application settings. 

  • Virtual Network

The VPS instances are connected to the internet through a virtual network, which allows data to flow between the VPS and the outside world. As a result, users can host websites, run applications, and handle incoming and outgoing traffic.

  • Management

VPS Hosting servers offer two types of offers management — Managed VPS and Unmanaged VPS — and they primarily depend on the user choice. 

In fully Managed VPS Hosting, the hosting provider takes care of all technical aspects, such as server maintenance, software updates, and more, on behalf of you or the user. Whereas with Unmanaged VPS Hosting plans, you will be responsible for managing your VPS.

  • Scalability

Many people choose VPS for its sheer scalability. Virtual Server Hosting is highly scalable, with the best VPS Hosting offering easy upgrades or downgrades for users. As a user, you can modify your resource allocations based on your requirements. 

  • Security 

Since each VPS operates isolated and independently, it is a more secure option than Shared Hosting. 

Additionally, with the VPS, users can implement custom security measures and software to safeguard their VPS from all around.


At this point, it is pretty evident how VPS Hosting enables users to combine the benefits of Shared Hosting and Dedicated Servers by utilizing virtualization technology. It is popular among users because it provides them with more customization options, higher flexibility, dedicated resources, root access, and more while maintaining cost-effectiveness. And all of the features together make VPS Hosting ideal for hosting your websites, running applications, and managing online projects.

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Pros and Cons of Using a Website Builder

Using A Website Builder in 2023? The Pros vs Cons

Staying abreast of the ever-changing online landscape and staying in sync with the latest web design trends can be a mean-looking task.

If you are contemplating the creation of a website for your business but are feeling uncertain about where to begin, Website Builder Singapore can provide a solution. 

These services also offer a range of other advantages that make the web development process easier, faster, and cost-effective. 

For example, with a Website Builder in Singapore, you can choose a domain name and benefit from the best Domain Hosting services. 

What are the Pros of Using a Website Builder?

  1. Practical and Time-Saving

The best Website Builders offer a choice of ready-made templates to speed up your web development process. The package may also include a domain and hosting plan, allowing you to set up and run the website quickly.

  1. Beginner and User-Friendly

The easiest Website Builders are designed for user-friendliness, catering to technical and non-technical users. They feature intuitive navigation menus and drag-and-drop features, making them highly beginner-friendly.  

Also, opting for a tool with a straightforward and intuitive interface ensures that you can quickly grasp its functionalities without wasting time on figuring out how things work. 

  1. Cost-Effective 

As mentioned, Website Builders in Singapore offers free hosting plans and essential features like templates and drag-and-drop design elements. 

This eliminates the need to invest in expensive web development services or software licences, allowing you to get started quickly without breaking the bank. 

The plans also generally include free security and search engine optimisation (SEO) tools. 

  1. Streamlined Update and Maintenance

Website Builders have a support team to help you instantly resolve any difficulties and developers who manage back-end maintenance. Then, depending on your service provider, you can update your website and run updates with a one-click step.

What are the Cons of Using a Website Builder?

  1. Design Limitations. 

Website Builders often have design limitations, which can challenge users with a specific creative vision for their website and desire more customisation options.

  1. Performance Issues

When you build a website with these tools, you may experience slower loading times due to a bloated back end. Also, the Web Hosting resources the chosen plan provides may need to be improved, leading to potential issues when facing sudden traffic increases.

  1. Lack of Flexibility

While Website Builders offer a range of supported tools, users are restricted to the basic functionalities provided. This limitation can be frustrating for those who require more advanced features and customisation options for their website.

  1. Migration Restrictions

Certain builders restrict website migration to new hosts due to proprietary infrastructure requirements. Unfortunately, switching hosts or platforms may require you to recreate your entire website from scratch, resulting in additional time and effort.

The Bottom Line

Although Website Builders may not provide limitless design and customisation options, they offer a host of positive features, like a user-friendly interface, easy accessibility, and cost-effectiveness. 

Moreover, for small business owners who need to act swiftly, using a Website Builder in Singapore can be a time-saving solution. 

Streamlining the website creation process allows entrepreneurs to focus their efforts on other essential aspects of their business.

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6+ Cybersecurity Tips To Protect Your Customers During Holiday Shopping

As the pervasive shadow of Covid-19 recedes and slowly becomes a memory, many of the technologies and protocols we developed during that time remain. Global eCommerce retail sales have always experienced an annual incline. However, these figures have been boosted as more consumers have adopted online shopping and abandoned traditional brick-and-mortar stores.

With more shoppers online, cybercriminals are sure to become bolder and more opportunistic too. While consumers must practice proper cyber hygiene and protect themselves on the internet, eCommerce store owners are also responsible for ensuring that shoppers’ private information stays safe.

But how? What steps should you take to protect your customers during the holiday shopping season? This guide will share six cybersecurity tips you can implement starting now.

Why Is Cybersecurity Crucial for the Shopping Season?

A 2021 Verizon report revealed that 46% of all cyber breaches impacted small businesses. Due to the high cost of a breach in the form of fines and damage to their reputation, many of these businesses are now facing bankruptcy.  

However, the most alarming statistic is that over a quarter of small businesses collecting credit card information have subpar cybersecurity or no security at all. With cyberattacks forecasted to spike during this holiday shopping season, eCommerce store owners must pay attention to their cybersecurity measures as much as they do to their marketing campaigns. But what should you look out for?

Most Common Cyberattacks Affecting eCommerce Businesses

The most popular exploits today include:

  • Account takeover (ATO): Cybercriminals use stolen usernames and passwords to take over accounts. For eCommerce stores and businesses, this could be employee or administrative credentials to log into servers or client machines. Once the bad actor breaches the company’s network, they can gain access to the databases where confidential customer information is kept. They can then steal this information, sell it to the highest bidder or use it for nefarious purposes.
  • Gift card and wallet fraud: There are numerous ways cybercriminals and fraudsters can initiate these types of exploits. They can hack into a company’s gift card database and scrape card and activation numbers. Alternatively, they can tamper with physical gift cards or attempt to use gift card number generators. Your business must be mindful of this potential entry point.
  • Inventory exhaustion: Some online stores remove the item from the available inventory when customers add it to their shopping cart. This reserves the item for them, so it’s still available when they finally check out. Cybercriminals can use bots to initiate a hoarding attack. A bot will constantly add items to a shopping cart to create the illusion that it is out of stock. This denies the sale of the item for petty purposes or so that the bad actor can purchase it themselves when they can afford to.
  • Bandwidth choking (DDoS attacks): Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks are one of the oldest tricks in the book. This is where a bad actor floods a website or web service with network traffic to overload and crash it, although it can happen to small online stores too.
  • Content scraping: Cyberattackers may use bots to extract or copy all of your website’s content that they can use maliciously. For instance, they can duplicate your website and divert organic traffic from it, then use your website’s clone to steal information from your customers.

Cybersecurity Tips To Protect Your eCommerce Customers

So how can you protect your company and customers from the above attacks this coming holiday season?

1. Enforce Strong, Unique User Passwords

Many eCommerce stores require users to create accounts before they can make purchases. A 2021 GoodFirms survey found that 30% of breaches could be traced back to weak password policies and practices. Generally, the less complex a password is, the more susceptible it is to brute-force attacks. Your business must enforce strong password policies both internally (employees and administrators) and externally (customer profiles).

Here are a few characteristics of a strong password:

  • Unique and different from your other login credentials
  • Uses a mixture of uppercase and lowercase letters, symbols, and numbers
  • At least eight characters long
  • Does not contain any personal information, such as dates of birth or names of relatives/pets

Using strong passwords is one of the most important cybersecurity tips, and it’s critical that your business enforces this policy. It is also recommended that users (both your customers and employees) utilize a password manager.

2. Establish Cybersecurity Policies

Good cybersecurity awareness can thwart most exploits initiated by bad actors. Being able to identify fraudulent links and other phishing exploits is more valuable than trying to find a software solution that addresses all your cybersecurity concerns.

You and your employees must be updated on the latest cybersecurity practices and protocols. Consider hiring an expert who can walk you through the best practices. Your cybersecurity policies should be informed by the data privacy rules and regulations of the territories your business operates in. For instance, if you’re operating in the EU, you must be educated on the GDPR. If you’re operating within California, you should understand the rules of the California Consumer Privacy Act.

Any business that deals with payment information and credit cards must ensure that it is PCI-DSS compliant. The official PCI security standards council site has a list of guidelines to help companies keep confidential customer data as safe as possible.  

3. Implement Additional Authentication

Concepts such as two-factor and multi-factor authentication have become extremely popular in recent years. Multi-factor authentication means implementing an additional form of authentication in addition to your user credentials. For example, after entering a username and password, you may choose to verify the login attempt through an email link or one-time code sent to a user’s phone.  

4. Only Store Customer Data That You Need

Guidelines and regulations such as the GDPR don’t specify a time limit for how long you can keep a customer’s personal information. However, it’s important that you only store data that you need to provide services to the customer for as long as you need it.

It’s also important that you segment databases and data according to their importance. Credit card and payment information should be kept separate from general customer information and your business information. All data must be placed in secure encrypted databases.    

5. Employ a DDoS Mitigation Solution

DDoS and other bot-related attacks can be mitigated through the right solution. However, you should first ensure that you have a disaster recovery site in place. If your attacker manages to shut your site down, you can roll the traffic over to a recovery site. Of course, this doesn’t always work, especially if the attack is DNS based.

Alternatively, you can purchase a dedicated server to prevent DDoS and bot attacks. Sometimes, your ISP or cloud provider may offer integrated DDoS protection. Do not hesitate to add this feature to the list of services. While bot-mitigating solutions such as CAPTCHA have been shown to decrease conversion rates, they’ve been proven to be somewhat effective against spam and bot attacks.

That said, cybercriminals have begun using more sophisticated tactics, such as machine learning to circumvent CAPTCHA checks. With cloud-based platforms and integrated memory systems being the driving force of machine learning adoption, more cybercriminals will have access to these tools.

As such, it’s important to implement a multi-channel mitigation solution. For instance, your mitigation solution should be able to detect any suspicious traffic coming from a visitor’s IP address. It should also be able to track any questionable customer activity, such as adding items to carts but not checking out.

6. Conduct Regular Software Audits

Your business should be employing all the necessary software tools to facilitate proper cybersecurity, including anti-malware solutions, firewalls, user account management tools, etc. You can hire a zero trust expert to help determine what software will suit your network infrastructure the best.

You also need to monitor your software stack and ensure that your operating systems, productivity/business software and cybersecurity software are all updated to the latest versions. This process can be made easier with cloud panels and workload automation software.


Many of the cybersecurity tips listed in this guide should be implemented regardless of the upcoming holiday shopping season. Nevertheless, your website and servers must be able to handle the usage influxes and traffic spikes that will be brought on by the holiday shopping season. One of the best ways to ensure holiday sales are not interrupted is to have multiple recovery sites to mitigate any downtime.

Next, your company must ensure that it’s up to date on the latest cybersecurity and network protection developments. You can only protect your customers if you protect yourself first.

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Are these SEO rookie mistakes costing your search rankings?

Are these SEO rookie mistakes costing your search rankings

30-second summary:

  • SEO has increasingly become a key area of practice for businesses to gain visibility, however, if done wrong can stagnate or even sabotage your online visibility
  • From optimizing your website for the wrong keywords to putting too many keywords in the meta keywords tag or creating lots of similar doorway pages
  • We have listed the most common SEO mistakes to avoid and be future-ready

Through SEO, marketers can improve their websites’ rankings in Google’s search engine results pages (SERPs) and thus reach top results.

While doing SEO, however, there are some common SEO mistakes to keep away from. In case of committing any of these mistakes, marketers might end up harming their search ranking and reputation.

Below are seven of the common mistakes that you must avoid.

SEO Mistake #1: Optimizing your site for the wrong keywords

The first step in any search engine optimization campaign is to choose the right keywords for which you should optimize your site. If you initially choose the wrong keywords, all the time and effort that you devote to trying to get your site a high ranking will go down the drain. What good will the top rankings do if you choose keywords which no one searches for, or if you choose keywords which won’t bring in targeted traffic to your site?

The good news is that there are some warning signs that say you’re maybe optimizing for the wrong keywords. Amongst these, we find the following:

According to Neil Patel, an SEO expert, and co-founder of Crazy Egg and Hello Bar:

If you go about optimizing site content for every keyword you can think of, chances are, you won’t rank highly in search engine results pages.

Worse, you’ll experience a high bounce rate, because search engine users who eventually find your web site will leave without doing anything that you want them to do.

….In fact, not optimizing site content for the right keywords will cripple your search engine rankings.

SEO Mistake #2: Putting too many keywords in the meta keywords tag

We often see sites that have hundreds of keywords listed in the meta keywords tag, in the hope that will get a high ranking for those keywords.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Contrary to popular opinion, the meta keywords tag has almost completely lost its importance as far as search engine positioning is concerned. Google does not use keyword meta tags directly in its rankings.

Hence, just by listing keywords in the meta keywords tag, you will never be able to get a high ranking. Since there is no correlation between the keywords you stuff into a Meta tag and your search engine rank. To get a high ranking for those keywords, you need to naturally add the keywords to the actual body content on page.

SEO Mistake #3: Repeating the same keyword too many times

Another common mistake that people make is to endlessly repeat their target keywords in the body of their pages and in their meta keywords tags.

Because so many people have used this tactic in the past (and continue to use it), the search engines keep a sharp lookout for this and may penalize a site that repeats keywords in this fashion.

Sure, you do need to repeat the keywords a number of times. But, the way you place the keywords in your pages needs to make grammatical sense. Simply repeating the keywords endlessly no longer works. Furthermore, a particular keyword should not ideally be present more than thrice in your Meta Keywords tag.

SEO Mistake #4: Creating lots of similar doorway pages

Another myth prevalent among people is that since the algorithm of each search engine is different, they need to create different pages for different search engines. While this is great in theory, it is counter-productive in practice.

If you use this tactic, you will soon end up with hundreds of pages, which can quickly become an administrative nightmare. Also, just imagine the amount of time you will need to spend constantly updating the pages in response to the changes that the search engines make to their algorithms.

Furthermore, although the pages are meant for different engines, they will actually end up being pretty similar to each other. Search engines are often able to detect when a site has created similar pages and may penalize or even ban this site from their index.

According to Google,

“…they (Doorway Pages) can lead to multiple similar pages in user search results, where each result ends up taking the user to essentially the same destination. They can also lead users to intermediate pages that are not as useful as the final destination.”

Hence, instead of creating different pages for different search engines, create one page which is optimized for one keyword for all the search engines.

SEO Mistake #5: Using hidden text

Hidden text is text with the same color as the background color of your page. For example, if the background color of your page is white and you have added some white text to that page. That is considered a black-hat SEO practice.

Many webmasters, in order to get high rankings in the search engines, try to make their pages as keyword rich as possible. However, there is a limit to the number of keywords you can repeat on a page without making it sound odd to your human visitors.

Thus, in order to ensure that the human visitors to a page don’t perceive the text to be odd, but that the page is still keyword-rich, many webmasters add text (containing the keywords) with the same color as the background color. This ensures that while the search engines can see the keywords, human visitors cannot.

Search engines have long since caught up with this technique, and ignore or penalize pages that contain such text. They may also penalize the entire site if even one of the pages on that site contains such hidden text.

However, the problem with this is that search engines may often end up penalizing sites that did not intend to use hidden text.

For instance, suppose you have a page with a white background and a table on that page with a black background. Further, suppose that you have added some white text in that table. This text will, in fact, be visible to your human visitors, that is, this shouldn’t be called hidden text. However, search engines can interpret this to be hidden text because they may often ignore the fact that the background of the table is black.

In official guidance from Google, they state:

“Hiding text or links in your content to manipulate Google’s search rankings can be seen as deceptive and is a violation of Google’s Webmaster Guidelines.”

Hence, in order to ensure that your site is not penalized because of this, you should go through all the pages in your site and see whether you have inadvertently made any such mistake.

SEO Mistake #6: Using page cloaking

Cloaking, which is against Google’s webmaster guidelines, is defined by Google as follows:

“Cloaking refers to the practice of presenting different content or URLs to users and search engines. Serving up different results based on user agents may cause your site to be perceived as deceptive and removed from the Google index”

People generally use page cloaking for two reasons:

  1. To hide the source code of their search engine-optimized pages from their competitors
  2. To prevent human visitors from having to see a page that looks good to the search engines but does not necessarily look good to humans

The problem with this is that when a site uses cloaking, it prevents the search engines from being able to spider the same page that their users are going to see. And if the search engines can’t do this, they can no longer be confident of providing relevant results to their users. Thus, if a search engine discovers that a site has used cloaking, it will probably ban the site forever from their index.

Hence, our advice is that you should not even think about using cloaking in your site and if you are already doing any cloaking and getting away with it, I guess you may have to be on the lookout.

SEO Mistake #7: Devoting too much time to search engine positioning

Yes – we lied. There’s another common mistake that people make when it comes to search engine optimization – they spend too much time on it.

Sure, search engine placement is the most cost-effective way of driving traffic to your site and you do need to spend some time every day learning how the search engines work and optimizing your site for the search engines.

However, you must remember that search engine optimization is a means to an end for you – it’s not the end in itself. The end is to increase the sales of your products and services. Hence, apart from trying to improve your site’s position in the search engines, you also need to spend time on all the other factors which determine the success or the failure of your website – the quality of the products and services that you are offering, the quality of your content, and so on.

You may have excellent rankings in the search engines, but if the quality of your products and services is poor, or you’re not producing high-quality SEO content, those high rankings aren’t going to do much good.

Jacob McMillen is a copywriter, marketing blogger, and inbound marketing consultant.

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Top Common Mistakes Founders Make and How to Avoid Them

Common Mistakes Founders Make

Making mistakes is unavoidable, especially when you’re starting a business. However, many founders make similar mistakes along the way, which we can all learn from. There are many factors that help a company succeed, including the founder. While there are characteristics many successful founders have in common that give them an advantage when it comes to launching a business, there are also common mistakes they make that lead to failure. Here are the top 5 common mistakes I’ve observed over my career, and how startup studios can help you avoid them.  

Top Mistakes Founders Make

  1. Lack of Market Research & Validation 

Many founders believe that their product or service is for everyone, but this simply isn’t the case. Products must go through the process of validation to fully understand if there is a market need. Once there is a market need, founders must define their target market so that they can create a marketing strategy that resonates with that particular audience. This will allow you to efficiently spend your resources to reach those potential customers.

Startup studios, a company composed of industry experts that specialize in building other companies, can help with the validation process and help founders define their target market by leveraging their expertise, connections, and knowledge of the entrepreneurial community. By working with a startup studio, you can save resources such as time and money, which will enable you to focus on moving forward with starting and growing your business.

  1. Not Growing the Right Team

As a founder, it’s your job to grow a good team that will be capable of growing your business. The team that you choose to join will have a major impact on the success and future of your business. It’s important to find an experienced team that is willing to invest in learning new skills, kicking off new projects, and developing as individuals. 

With the help of a startup studio, you can find the right mix of team members to help your business grow. A startup studio will assist you in finding the right candidate for each role to fill your current and future needs. Additionally, they can help you build a strong culture and set of values, which is essential for long-term success.

  1. Not Taking Risks

Every business will face risks that can prevent it from succeeding. Entrepreneurs need to take risks, especially when growing a company, regardless of the situation. In order to grow, you need to create new products or services and make them available to customers. This means taking risks by trying something new and not being afraid to fail. 

Startup studios can assist in helping you take risks by providing resources (connections, knowledge, and expertise) that will provide support when you’re at an impasse. They will also help guide you in taking calculated risks, which means that you’ll be able to consider all possible outcomes before deciding what’s best for your business. 

  1. Not Asking for Help

As a startup founder, it can be difficult to ask others for help. Many founders feel that they should be able to do everything by themselves and don’t want to appear weak or unskilled. However, as a startup founder, you’ll most likely be making decisions that can have a major impact on your company throughout the early stages. This means that you need to have an understanding of what you’re doing and why, when making these decisions. If you need help with what to do, it’s best that you seek help from experienced entrepreneurs who can guide you in the right direction.

Startup studios can be the best source of assistance when it comes to asking for help, as they have a network of people in the entrepreneurial community who can assist you with your needs. This means that you won’t need to make any extra effort or spend any additional time searching for solutions, as they can assist with helping you create a successful business by making sure that you have a clear understanding of your company and its goals. They can provide advice, and guidance, and work alongside you to help maximize the success of your company.

To view a comprehensive list of avoidable mistakes founders make, check out this article via Startup Studio Insider.

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